Monday, July 29, 2019
Fished with Jim, Paul, and friends. We started in the ocean and trolled up a bunch of bonita and small blues. The bonita bite has been great. We then hit the bay for a few fluke. Pro Tip: Keep tackle appropriate. Match it to the fish and keep it as light as possible. Nothing is less fun then using tackle too big for the fish.
Bay Variety
Fished with Tricia and her five grandchildren in the bay. Fluke, sea bass, and sea robins all gave us a little thrill. Pro Tip: It's best to keep the ration of little anglers to adults low. They require a lot of attention! One to one is best.
Family Fishing
Fished with John, Jack, and Mason in the bay. Fluke, sea robins, and sand sharks all tugged on our lines. We also caught some bonita and blues trolling in the ocean. Pro Tip: You do not want kids to associate fishing with being sea sick. Be observant and head in to calmer waters immediately if they get quiet or sleepy.
Bay Fluking
Fished with the Mikes and Ryan in the bay. We had fun catching fluke, sand sharks, and sea robins. Pro Tip: Make sure to celebrate all fish when fishing with kids. Let them investigate them and check them out. There are no trash fish with kids. They love the variety.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Fished with Nick, Val, Mike, Ryker, and Noel. After catching a few flounder and other fish in the bay we moved out into the ocean. We did some inshore trolling and caught some blues and bonita. The inshore trolling bite has been good! Pro Tip: Tight turns when trolling are a recipe for disaster. Keep them slow and wide.
More Fluking
Fished with Peter, Allyssa, and Joe. We caught a bunch of fluke in the bay. Steady action has been the norm. Pro Tip: There is no "best" tide. While it is true that the bite can be better on certain periods of the tide from day to day it is not universal. Tide should tell you where to fish not whether you should.
Bay Fluke
Fished with Pop and friends in the bay. The bay Fluke bite continues to be good. Mostly shorts though! Pro Tip: Drop straight down while drifting. That little "flip" cast just increases your chances of tangling your neighbor!
Family Fishing
Fished with Matt and family in the bay for fluke. Great action was had and we caught a bunch. Pro Tip: Your jig mirrors your rod tip position. Keep rod tips apart or be prepared for tangles.
Back Bay Flounder
Fished with Kim, Maureen, and Clarence in the bay for flounder. Lots of action but no keepers that trip. Some were very close. Pro Tip: Be careful with "close" fish that are exactly 18". They shrink when you put them on ice and may make them illegal.
Bay Fluke
Fished with Joe, Ava, Susie, Wyatt, and Noah. We caught a bunch of fluke up to about 19" in the bay. The action was good. Pro Tip: I've said it before but black is a poor fashion choice when fishing in the bay. Black attracts green heads. Dark hot colors are like a magnet for those things. Avoid it.

Joe Hughes
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Fished with Derek and sons earlier this week. We started off sharking and caught and released a nice sandbar shark over 100 pounds. We switched gears and did some inshore trolling and were rewarded with some bonita. We had yet another surprise southern visitor as well. We caught a four foot long ribbonfish. I've caught them down south but never in New Jersey. 83 degree water temperature will do crazy things. Pro Tip: It's always more fun if you know what you're catching. If you don't know, make sure to ask or look it up for the next time!
Instagram @captainjoehughes
Instagram @captainjoehughes
King Mackerel
Fished with Adrian and crew on Sunday in the ocean. No breeze made sharking difficult so we changed gears and did some inshore trolling. We were rewarded with a bunch of king mackerel and bonita. Gotta play the cards you're dealt. Pro Tip: Dramatic depth changes make the best spots for pulling spoons for mackerel.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Back Bay Stripers
Patty, Ryan, and I headed out for some sunset stripers. Timing is everything and we caught and released several before it got dark. Plus we had a few blues. Pro Tip: The hotter it gets, the smaller the bite window with stripers. However, they bite all summer long.
Bay Fluke
Fished with Mike, Dan, and Max in the bay. We had steady action all morning with fluke and other species. Action has been great. Pro Tip: Take a kid fishing, but make sure you make it about them! If you do you will have a fishing partner for life.
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